
The Grey Spaces is a podcast and blog dedicated to exploring the hazy overlaps of history, culture, politics, and society in Belize.  We acknowledge that keeping up with the pressures of the rapidly changing world can leave a developing country such as Belize in a precarious position.  We find ourselves looking hopefully to the future and, in many cases, painfully turning from the past; all while current events unfold with little public introspection.  The connectivity of these events become lost between the lines, in the Grey Spaces between unconsciousness and understanding.  

Through historical and social research, guest interviews, and collaboration with Belizean artists, our contributors seek to bring you information about Belize's past, present, and future conditions as a nation.  We invite you to join us for regular blog posts and bi-weekly audio podcasts that seek to explore where we've been, what's happening now, and what we can look forward to in the future.